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Hollywood actor Robert De Niro rips into presidential candidate Donald Trump

Veteran Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro said the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wasn’t being serious about running for the presidential seat. De Niro went on to label Trump’s run for the presidency as “insanity”, criticising the former president’s conduct and policies.
De Niro made the comments on a CNN show hosted by Chris Wallace. The acclaimed actor talked about the upcoming elections, his acting process while playing roles and Donald Trump.
“We need someone like her [Harris]. Will she make mistakes? Of course, it’s okay – everybody does. We need someone with the right intentions. This guy (Trump) does not have the best intentions and everybody knows that. It’s insanity,” said De Niro, offering his support for Kamala Harris.
De Niro went on to say that Trump thinks he’s a gangster but one without any honour.
“There’s honour in anything. If you don’t keep your word and do the right thing with things and people, no matter what profession you are in, you’re going to get ostracised and that world is a little hot,” he said.
Trump and De Niro have had a long history of trading jabs on socia media. One instance for example would be the 2018 Tony Awards, where De Niro said, “F*** Trump.”
His attack was given a reply where Trump called De Niro a “very low IQ individual” who was always “punch drunk” because of being hit in the head frequently by “real boxers in movies”.
